Friday, March 7, 2008

Week # 3 Thing #5

Olive the library cat
Originally uploaded by jpedersen
I already had a flickr account but the funny thing is that I forgot that I had carefully posted some pictures of my house and its contents for insurance purposes. I live in a beautiful area but it's a high brush fire zone and having pictures like this in a safe place is a good idea.

The picture from my Library is Olive, our library cat. I got Olive for $2 at a garage sale and the students love her. We use her as an avatar for the children when they are posting book review videos on our Library blog, "Voices From The Inglenook."

It's great to be working through these "things" and be reminded of all the amazing tools there are out there to be used.

1 comment:

Marie Slim said...

I'd like to see your Library Blog - please post the URL!