Friday, February 29, 2008

Week #2 Thing #3

I love learning. So in thinking about the 7 and 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learning I had a hard time coming up with my easiest and my hardest. The winner for the easiest has to be #4--my confidence in myself as a competent and effective learner. I have always loved school and it's where I've always been most comfortable--from the time I started Kindergarten to my present job as an elementary school librarian. I love all aspects of learning, even the frustration of not understanding because although it tests my patience, I like the feeling of accomplishment when I finally do understand.

To be honest my hardest learning habit is #1--to begin with the end in mind. Since graduating from the formal educational setting I have often started journeys in learning without any idea of where they might take me. No regrets, but if I had been more focused on the end I might have accomplished more (or possibly even made a little more money!)


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Welcome to School Library Learning 2.0 - you are off on a fun discovery learning adventure. Enjoy the rest of the 23 Things and when you get to the last one, you will be in an excellent position to charge ahead and share the adventure.

Best wishes.
- Jackie Siminitus
CSLA 2.0 Team project manager

Library Lady said...
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Library Lady said...

Hi Santa Barbara Bookworm,
Welcome to School Library Learning 2.0. I liked your self-analysis. This journey through the 23 things is intended to be pretty open ended, so it won't help you become more focused on a specific goal. But it sure will be fun.
As you progress through the tools you are lead to, please do not feel you should master each of them. When you discover a tool you just LOVE, you will put it to use in natural ways and you will master it. Other tools you discover will be things that do not fit into your everyday life and you will tuck them away in the back of your mind. You will hear them discussed in academic discussions and listservs and you will be reminded of your initial exploration. Perhpas you will go back and play some more.

I am on my second time through this process and enjoying watching the first timers post their reactions to the tools. Some of their enthusiasm is causing me to re-look at tools I just skimmed over on my first time around. It is really fun.

Thanks for sharing you thoughts on the 71/2 Habits. Have fun as you progress through the 23 things.

IrmaPince said...

Welcome to SLL2.0. I love the regal attire of your avatar. You must revel in the "queendom" of the library and all the learning it represents. I hope you enjoy this tutorial and do not hesitate to ask for help if something is not clear. We are here to cheer you on and celebrate new learning with you.